Sunday, September 17, 2006


I don't always follow the rules. When I'm on a dirt road, on BLM land or the like, I slip off my seat belt. But I'll piously lecture a person for not putting a seat belt on while driving. I sing loudly with the radio. Also, I say I don't like country music, but really I have some albums from artists considered to be country. I just don't want to be thought of as a redneck type--which I am not! Typos annoy me--even though I do them more often than I'd like to admit. I hate cleaning house. I hate having a messy house. A small battle between those two determine whether or not the house will be a mess.

I love cab sauv, jo reisling, and butterscotchy chard. Endangered Species extreme dark chocolate with cocoa nibs is my favorite chocolate. I am sometimes a snob about both wine and chocolate.

I yawn when I'm nervous.

I once peed on a guy. And it's NOT a sexual thing. The poor fool was holding me and tickling me, and I warned him to let me go. But.... It's truly difficult to make yourself pee when you are not supposed to. Good potty training, I guess.

I've been wrong about guys many times. I know that its usually about sex with them. But the few times I tried to beat them at that game, it ended badly.

I don't really like Depeche Mode. If someone asks me, I'll say "they're ok." The same goes for Erasure. Too many Mormon stake dances, I think.

I read Tarot cards--though not often. And I like to find out people's astrology charts. I won't date certain signs. I know this is ridiculous, nonsensical.

I look at people's teeth when they talk. I also like to see what colors make up their eyes. Most people have a variety of colors in their eyes.

I once stole a ring from Mervyns when I was a kid. My mom found out and made me take it back. The manager threatened me with jail time. I never did that again.

I used to run cross country in high school. The meet in Weiser was always so boring because we had to run around this golf course 2 &1/2 times. Well, one time I just sat under a large spruce tree until the race was nearly over, then rejoined to finish. I had a friend who joined me. We just didn't feel like running that day.

I read The New Yorker. I get the Sunday Statesman each week to read my horoscope and do the crossword. I read the obituaries. I get annoyed with newspaper typos the most!

I've been to Mexico once when I was a kid. Other than that, I've never been to any foreign countries. I don't have a passport. I've studied French, Japanese, and Spanish. Not fluent in any of those, though.

My car is an automatic, but the gear shift is between the two seats. Sometimes when I'm driving, I check to see that the car is in drive. I realize that this sounds neurotic.

I say that I'm an independent voter. That I'll vote for someone based on who they are and what they stand for, but I would honestly never vote for a republican. Not even if my best friend ran as a republican. I might tell her that I support her, but in the booth, I wouldn't be able to do it.

I greatly dislike cigarette smoke. No, I hate it. I like to smell things. I always sniff my food or the air or a person standing next to me. Cigarette smoke is offensive to my sensitive nose.

I am often sarcastic. duh.

My favorite color is green, followed by purple and then black. I don't really like blue, unless it's dark. Pink is only appropriate in flowers or rock formations in the Southwest.

My favorite expressions are: "christ on a cracker"--this is used in situations of disbelief or extreme annoyance. When I think that someone is being dishonest or ignorant I like to say, "that sounds made-up." When someone has done something appreciative for me, instead of saying thank you, I like to say "thanks easter bunny-bok, bok" This is extremely nerdy, I know. I probably use "profanities" too often.


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